The “impôt sur la fortune immobilière” (IFI) has been in effect since January 1, 2018, and replaces the Wealth Tax (ISF).

The “impôt sur la fortune immobilière” (IFI) is a French declaration-based, progressive tax that is payable annually on real estate assets held by individuals with real estate assets in excess of EUR 1,300,000.00. It was introduced on 1 January 2018, replacing the “import sur la fortune” (ISF).
Under the French General Tax Code (CGI), the surrender value of life insurance policies that may be surrendered and of capital accumulation bonds or policies expressed in units of account and/or units of internal funds is subject to IFI as part of the policyholder’s assets up to the portion of their value that represents units of account and/or units of internal funds comprising taxable assets.
IFI must be declared by taxpayers at the same time as income tax using a dedicated form.
Information sheet for client
pdf – 369 KB
pdf – 357 KB