Our Alert system

This system is not designed to handle commercial complaints. If you are a BNP Paribas Cardif customer and wish to make a complaint or express dissatisfaction, please contact your usual contact person or the Customer Complaints Manager.

BNP Paribas Cardif is committed to scrupulously complying with laws and regulations, as well as enforcing the rules set out in the Group’s Code of Conduct.

BGL Paribas Cardif est engagé à respecter scrupuleusement les lois et réglementations, ainsi qu’à faire appliquer les règles exposées dans le Code de Conduite du Groupe.

The BNP Paribas Cardif Alert system is the responsibility of the Compliance function’s Professional Ethics department.

The alert system, accessible from this page, enables you to report information concerning a crime or misdemeanour, a threat or harm to the general interest, a violation or attempted concealment of a violation of applicable and binding law (laws, regulations, etc.) or a breach of the Group’s Code of Conduct.

Reports are handled confidentially by Human Resources and Compliance Coordinators, in accordance with current regulations.

Whistle-blowers are protected against the risk of reprisals by the local legislation applicable to them. 

Misuse of the system may result in sanctions or prosecution. 

I acknowledge that I have read and understood the information relating to the BNP Paribas Cardif alert system and to the protection of personal data.

Reports can be made, in complete confidentiality, via one of the following channels: 

  • By e-mail, you can send us the form below, mentioning “strictly confidential” in the subject line: 
    Cardif Lux Vie Compliance channel : whistleblowing@cardifluxvie.lu
  • You can send us the form in an envelope marked “strictly confidential” by post to the following address:  

    Compliance Alert System
    Cardif Lux Vie
    23-25, Avenue de la Porte-Neuve 
    L-2227 LUXEMBOURG 
  • BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform, you must use this channel: BNP Paribas Whistleblowing tool to make a Group alert, Central Business Line, Financial Sanctions & Embargoes, etc.

    Please note: when making reports, you must respect the professional secrecy applicable to insurers under section 300 of the ICA*.

*Amended Law of 7 December 2015 on the Insurance Sector.

When should I report a problem?
When you have reason to believe that a violation of the law or the BNP Paribas code of conduct has been committed or in the event of a threat or harm to the general interest.

How do I make a report?
If you are an external third party: use the form on this page. If you are an employee (internal or external): follow the link Cardif Lux Vie – Echonet mobile

Can my report be anonymous?
Yes, your report can be anonymous, unless otherwise stipulated by law. Nevertheless, we recommend that you provide information that will enable the Coordinator to contact you.

Will I be informed of the outcome of my report?
An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to you once the report has been received. You may be asked questions in order to assist in carrying out the enquiry appropriately. You will then be informed of the progress of your report and the outcome of the investigation.

Will confidentiality be guaranteed?
Yes, Coordinators are trained to handle reports confidentially and take appropriate measures to do so.