Accessible life insurance: a priority for Cardif Lux Vie!

Our responsability

Accessible life insurance: a priority for Cardif Lux Vie! Green investment, promoting diversity, accountability – our commitments.

Making insurance more accessible

Our goal is to make insurance more accessible – in other words, clearer, more inclusive and user-friendly, as well as being easier to apply for, with a 100% seamless digital customer experience

  • Our provident insurance documentation has been fully rewritten in standard, simple and clear language, with accessibility conditions that are more favourable to policyholders (right to be forgotten, limited exclusions, etc.);
  • 100% digital subscription for our outstanding balance insurance products on the local market and Wealth Management (France and Belgium)


Helping to finance a more sustainable economy

As an insurer and institutional investor, we have enormous responsibility. We manage the savings entrusted to us by our policyholders with a long-term perspective and a twofold conviction: combining financial performance with a positive impact on society.

Our ESG approach

We have been integrating environmental, social and governance criteria into our investment decision-making since 2008. Restrictions or exclusions also apply for sensitive sectors (Financing and investment policies – BNP Paribas (group.bnpparibas). A carbon filter allows us to verify the level of emissions (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent) and the energy transition strategies of the companies we invest in. In 2022, 96.35% of the assets of our General Fund were the subject of an ESG analysis.

Our positive impact investments: 

We invest in assets that have a positive impact, addressing different environmental challenges (such as the energy transition and the protection of ecosystems) and societal challenges (such as the fight against social inequality). 
  • €917 million  of assets were in positive impact investments at 31/12/2023
  • Our target: an additional €80 million on average by 2025

Our engagement and voting policy

The shareholder engagement policy is based on the transposition of Directive (EU) 2017/828 of 17 May 2017 as regards the encouragement of long-term shareholder engagement.


Cardif Lux Vie's sustainability-related disclosure documents

All the sustainability-related disclosures of Cardif Lux Vie, our life insurance policies and our investment vehicles can be found below, in accordance with the transparency requirements under Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR) and Regulation (EU) 2020/852 on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment (Taxonomy Regulation).

Information relating to Cardif Lux Vie

   • Cardif Lux Vie's sustainability-related transparency commitments (Article 3 of the SFDR)  

   • Statement relating to the principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors (Article 4 of the SFDR) 
Information relating to contracts
Information on the Cardif Lux Vie General Fund 


Disclosures relating to the Taxonomy Regulation 

2022 Universal Registration Document and Annual Financial Report. The report drawn up under the Taxonomy Regulation is prepared by BNP PARIBAS SA, Cardif Lux Vie's parent company.


A socially responsible, people-centric employer

Because Cardif Lux Vie's employees are the primary actors in the Company's transformation, we have made the development and fulfilment of our teams a core priority. The initiatives proposed include the introduction of remote working, sports coaching and wellbeing workshops and conferences.

Keen to assume its role as a committed local player, Cardif Lux Vie supports practical community initiatives developed in Luxembourg throughout the year. As elsewhere in the BNP Paribas Group, as part of the 1 Million Hours 2 Help programme, each employee can set aside a day for a charity promoting good causes. 



Reflecting Luxembourg and the diversity of its multicultural society, Cardif Lux Vie's workforce spans 20 different nationalities. Cardif Lux Vie is committed to its workforce, encouraging diversity, promoting equal opportunities and supporting employees with their future career ambitions.



Equality between men and women

Since March 8, 2023, Cardif Lux Vie has been signatory of the “Women in Finance Luxembourg” charter.

What is it about?

The Luxembourg Women in Finance Charter is a commitment by signatory firms and representative bodies to achieve greater gender balance and inclusivity across the Luxembourg financial services sector.
Supported by the Luxembourg Ministry of Finance, this Charter underpins the industry’s ambition to see increased participation of women at all levels within financial services organisations and representative bodies of the financial sector in Luxembourg.

What do the signatories commit to?

  • promoting the progression of women at all levels, including at senior and board levels
  • appointing an Accountable Executive who is responsible and accountable for gender diversity and inclusion
  • setting internal targets and action plans which will be integrated into their firm’s goals 
  • supporting transparency by publicly reporting on progress against these targets annually on their firm’s website

What internal objectives has BGL BNP Paribas set to improve the gender balance?

Our favourite hashtags : #PositiveImpact #Diversity #CardifSpirit
